WATCH: Biden Introduces Zelensky As “President Putin”


On Thursday, President Joe Biden made a notable gaffe mistakenly introducing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin.”

Occurring in what was expected to be Biden’s most significant political moment since the first presidential debate, Biden once again added fuel to ongoing discussions about his capability to continue leading the Democratic ticket in the 2024 presidential race.

During the introduction of President Zelensky, Biden stated, “And now I want to hand it over to the President of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin!”

The slip of the tongue was quickly followed by a series of corrections, but not before the initial comment had already made waves. “We’re going to beat President Putin,” Biden corrected moments later, followed by another correction, “President Zelensky.” In an attempt to recover, Biden added, “I’m so focused on beating Putin!”


This slip comes at a precarious time for Biden, following a poor debate performance that ignited panic within factions of the Democrat Party. His insistence on not dropping out of the 2024 race and dismissing calls to step aside have been met with mixed reactions, and this latest gaffe might further complicate his campaign’s efforts to consolidate support.

Biden’s press conference Thursday evening is poised to be the week’s pivotal event. While there is still time for Biden to withdraw from his campaign, many now doubt his chances of reelection should he choose to stay in the race.


(VOTE NOW: Is Biden Mentally Unfit To Serve As President?)

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