WATCH: ‘Morning Joe’ Accuses Hispanics Of Racism After Trump Blowout


Joe Scarborough, the insatiably liberal host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” lost total control on air Wednesday morning, blaming “racist” Hispanic voters for delivering the White House to President-elect Donald Trump for the second time.

Scarborough, flanked by co-host Mika Brzezinski, spoke passionately at Rev. Al Sharpton as he listened patiently over telecast while the former congressman bloviated about the Democratic Party’s need to acknowledge racism and “misogyny from Black men, from Hispanic men — things we’ve all been talking about — who do not want a woman leading them.”

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“Right, right,” Sharpton concurred as Scarborough’s wrath reached to the sky. “Might be race issues with Hispanics that don’t want a Black woman as President of the United States. You know, the… the Democratic Party that I’ve always found when you’re sitting around talking, they love to just sort of balkanize everybody into sort of these separate groups and say ‘oh, white people don’t like women and Black pe… no!” he shouted, pointing at Sharpton. “You and I have talked about this before. A lot of Hispanic voters have problems with Black candidates!”

While most Hispanic and Latino voters are reliable Democrats, their communities are not a monolith. President Trump made inroads there, especially in states with heavy minority populations of Hispanic voters like Florida and Texas. Tuesday’s results indicate that this growing segment of the electorate, about 20% of all voters, is beginning to shift to the right, Axios reported. In Florida, Trump received more than 54% of the vote in Miami-Dade County, which is majority Latino. The same district was carried by Hillary Clinton with 63% of the vote in 2016 and President Joe Biden with 53% in 2020.

In Hidalgo County, Texas, Mexican-Americans who make up a majority of residents were virtually split between Harris and Trump Tuesday night, a shocking drop in support from Biden’s 58% in 2020. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who is Cuban-American, devoted part of his victory speech to Latino voters who helped deliver him to a third term. “We are seeing tonight generational change in South Texas,” Cruz said. “This decisive victory should shake the Democrat establishment to its core.”

The causes of lower prices, legal immigration, and domestic energy are not good enough for Scarborough, though. Rather than point to Democrats’ narrow messaging on abortion and transgender issues tailored to coastal elites, the MSNBC host believes race or gender-based hostilities were a driving force in Hispanic voters’ anathema to Vice President Harris. Sharpton, who is Black, piled on. “And you’ve got some Hispanics who don’t like each other! And some of the most misogynist things I’ve heard on her get-out-the-vote tour came from Black men!”


Harris held her election night party at Howard University, the historically Black college university in Washington, D.C. she attended as an undergraduate. The atmosphere became dolorous into the early morning hours Wednesday as diverse throngs of supporters, white, Black, and Hispanic men and women alike, left the grounds in near-total silence, trying desperately to comprehend what it is about Trump that so fully captivated and convinced America’s electorate.

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